Andrew Jackson once said, “Never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word”.
He would have loved me, but unfortunately I’ve also never used the same technique twice to bind a quilt before until I met this little device from Fons and Porter…
All the guess work….GONE…. and for only $7.99 what a deal.
While I’m at it here are two other pearls gleaned since my last posting….
To clean all the mineral deposits from the bottom of your tea kettle, boil some water and white vinegar with one of those copper scrubbers and let it sit for a while….Awesome …
And did you know that parchment paper on your pizza peel rather than cornmeal will make it slide to you pizza stone like magic…Just trim the most of the excess paper, and it really won’t burn at 400 degrees.
Sorry, I digress.
Anyway New Year’s resolution to use stash for monthly decorations….February …CHECK.