A tad off I was on some of my DJs. A friend noticing A7 in progress on my last post remarked, “Those pins are big, maybe too big to line the seams up correctly!” Hmmmm I thought…. PINS. I literally have thousands of them,… thousands. I’ve got two large cookie tins of bent safeties for sandwiching, and then there are my clover flat heads and Bohin short appliqué plus the two overflowing magnet dishes of pearl heads and THE TIN, the tin, my mom’s tin. My parents are buried 600 miles away in New York State and I do visit their graves from time to time on Google earth but it’s the objects t I took from their house that keep the memories for me. For my mom it’s her pins. The red scotch tape tin was in her possession for as long I knew her. I was in my 50s when she died. It was never in the closed position, always at the ready for all kinds of calamities. People would bring their fabric/garment dilemmas to my mom, and if she got up to get her pins, or asked one of us to bring her her pins we knew the problem was not only solvable, but that she would solve it. Symbolically, I closed the lid and packed them away with some of her other sewing paraphernalia after her death. I rarely open them, but now I was curious to see if there was a difference with size. No not really, but it was nice to remember.
PS I did manage a slight correction on the red checked block.
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